(+4)0731 368 877
Maître & Regisseur at National Ballet of Cuba
Consultant at the Carlos Acosta School in Havana
Classical dance teacher for all levels Dance workshop at CND - Martinique, SONIS Cultural Center - Ville des Abymes - Guadeloupe
Physical and artistic preparation for national competitions Etoiles Marines Synchronized Swimming Team - Guadeloupe
Preparation of candidates for:
The state diploma Dance teacher at all levels Ecole Danse et Arts - Guadeloupe
State diploma Dance teacher at all levels Deshautors Dance School - Guadeloupe
Artistic director of the SODRE Theater Ballet Company - Montevideo Uruguay
Guest Master:
Teacher at all levels Ballet Company and Teresa Carreño Theater School - Caracas Venezuela
National Ballet Company Sao Carlos National Ballet Company of Calouste Gulbenkien Foundation, Lisbon Portugal
Master, rehearsal director and stage manager of the National Ballet of Cuba, Havana Cuba
Master's degree and ballet school of the Novo Theater in Turin, Italy
Visiting master Mexican National Dance Company - Mexico City (DF)
Visiting Professor SLASKA Opera Dance Company - Bytom, Poland
Professional dancer - Coryphée and solo teacher, Cuban National Ballet Rehearsal